
Trinity Kids

Trinity Kids is a home where any kid can meet and follow Jesus.


Trinity Kids

Trinity Kids is a home where any kid can meet and follow Jesus.

New Here?

It's more than just a great place for your kid to hang out while you attend service, it's a space that is designed just for them in mind! We believe that every kid who walks through our door deserves a place to belong with a group of kids and leaders who have been waiting all week long to see them.

We know that being new somewhere can be tough, especially if you're a kid. So we make every effort to make sure your child feels like a VIP. When you arrive on our campus, your first stop is our Check-In Area where our Trinity Kids team members (look for the Kids team T-shirts) will be there to welcome you and your family!  We have some amazing age-appropriate environments ready for your child. To get to know us better take a look!


What We Value

Everything begins and ends with Jesus here at Trinity Kids. We strive to bring its stories to life through activities and discussions that keep children engaged. We want all children to love God’s word and understand the value of applying it to their lives.


We value children’s relationships within the small group setting as they relate to their leader and other kids in the group. As families commit to attending the same service each week, children are placed in a group of familiar faces where relationships can grow.

Kids love fun! We realize that when children have fun at church, they can’t wait to come back. We value creating fun ways for children to learn about Jesus, including tons of hands on things that appeal to all the senses - games, activities, singing, and live acting.


Every child’s name tag is matched to a parent-identification number, every volunteer is screened with an interview and background check, and every hallway is monitored by security personnel.




What's Happening in Trinity Kids

We need each other.

We strive to do Family Ministry better. We believe that starts in the home. Instead of random acts of ministry, we want to be intentional about how we engage and disciple. We don’t have all of the answers but believe every family of every shape and size should be given the best chance.


Child Dedication is one of our favorite milestones to celebrate. It is more than an event, it is a commitment to show our children how to love God with all their hearts. It is the beginning of a partnership with the Church that we hope leads your child to develop a faith of their own and grow in their relationship with God. And, yes, that starts now!

If you are interested in the next dedication, sign up below and we will contact you with more information!





Thinking about joining our team?

Trinity Kids is a team comprised of dynamic, fun, engaging individuals who love God first and kids second.  We all bring different skills and abilities to this team and that's what makes it so fun!  It's messy, it's loud, sometimes it's a little smelly, but every week matters. We have tons of ways to get involved, inside and outside of the classroom/teaching role. No matter how you serve, what you do matters in the life of a kid each week.

Investing in the Next Generation is a big deal and we want to make sure that you are in the right place on our team.  Just like you wouldn't buy a car without driving it first we want you to experience what a day in Trinity Kids is like before you join us.  Let us know you are interested by filling out the following form and we'll contact you with the details.