We Are:
A House Of Prayer
Prayer is the primary way we speak to and hear from God, and when we pray we are confident God will answer. We prioritize prayer because we believe that without it we are incapable of the mission God has given us. (Matthew 21:13)
Devoted to the Gospel
The good news about Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection is the focus of our mission. The Gospel is our greatest hope, our deepest longing, and our most passionate message. (Romans 1:16)
Empowered By The Holy Spirit
We value the presence and work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. We actively seek and rely on His guidance and empowerment. (Acts 1:8)
Called To Make Disciples
Our central calling as a church is to help people build their lives spiritually and relationally as devoted followers of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:19-20)
Blessed To Be Generous
God has blessed us in every way so we can be generous in every way to advance the Gospel. We joyfully give our time, compassion, talents, and money in response to God’s generosity to us. (2 Corinthians 9:11-12)